Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Addendum to Yesterday's Post

I just wanted to finish reporting our vacation the last of February thru the first week in March. After visiting with Paul for 10 days (see previous post) we traveled another 12+ hours to Yuma, Arizona to visit with Patrick and Jenn - and celebrate his passing his PA test. It was so good to visit with them, and I just had so much fun, I neglected to take very many pictures - but Jenn had some on her blog of that visit. We enjoyed a picnic at the park, where the kids had a ball. Saige found her way to our bed every night and slept with us and said she was going to miss us when we left. Such love, we do miss. But looking forward to our next visit. On Saturday, Jenn and I went to a Stake Relief Society Celebration where they had a guest speaker from Salt Lake and the topic was something along the Joy of Womanhood - wonderful message and a great lunch. Sunday evening, we visited with some old friends from Yuma, Cheryl Fell and Angela Snyder - my sidekicks while living in Yuma. It was great. We ate Chili Pepper at least 3 times while there in 5 days. We left there on Monday, and drove to Mesa to spend the evening and night with Scott, Lori and boys. Before we all went out for Pizza, they told us of their new expectancy the last of September. That will make them 6 and us 17 (the same as my parents had). We are all excited, hoping for a girl - but another little boy would be just fine. Scott is very busy with his rotations, so we did not get to spend a long time with them, on this tripp. We left their home on Tuesday morning, after the boys left for school and went over to visit with Lorenza and Dale for a couple of days. They are sooo good at being there for our family all the time, and I just wanted to let them know how much we love them and appreciate their love for us. We had a great time with them. On Thursday, March 5th, we left early a.m. and drove another 12 hours home. It was a wonderful vacation, and we got home just in time for some snow - had not snowed while we were gone. Go figure. Here are a few pictures that I got at Patrick's. Little angels and a T-pee that Jennifer made for Garrett. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sorry Golden Gate is laying on its side, maybe you can upright it. Don't want to try and edit and lose this post - as it is my bedtime,

We left St. George on Friday, Feb. 13th and spent Friday and Saturday nights with Tripp and Ali - see Ali's blog for our doings there. We loved being with them and little Abbie stood by the window waiting anxiously for us for an hour before we got there. It is so very neat to be loved so much. Did not get pictures on that stay.
Then we left Sunday morning, 5:30 a.m. for San Ramon, Calif. to visit with Paul and Laura - it was a 12+ hour trip - but we were not tired, just anxious to see their new home and of course - them. It rained about 2 hours out from their place and rained most of the 10 days that we were there. Because we do not get to visit with them as much as the others - we had to stay longer. It was fun. They have a beautiful home, and Isabelle gave up her room for us for those days, as she shared Seth's room. That was very sweet of her. We attended the Oakland Temple on Tuesday, after our arrival on Sunday. Then on Thursday night, the Elder's Quorum had a pine wood derby for the family and a chili cook-off. Paul is a counselor, and as this was his 12-hour work-day, asked his dad to make a pot of chili. He did a great job and to cut down his long version of the story - suffice it to say - he won first prize with loads of requests for the recipe - which he could not tell you - one of his favorite from his grandma - a pinch of this and a pinch of that. Paul took a couple days off work, Friday, Mon and Tues and we went to Muir Woods in the San Francisco area to see some redwoods, which I had never seen. Some pictures are shared below. Then one night, we did some Wii bowling and I did almost a perfect game - 10 strikes in a row - see picture. On Tuesday, a beautiful clear day - we went to Fisherman's Ward in San Fran and took a boat ride out under the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatrass (sp?) - pictures included, even of the gulls following the boat. We left there on Wednesday morning for Yuma, to visit with Patrick and Jenn. Thanks Paul and Laura for making us feel like queen and king. Love you loads.