Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Aug. 8th - Scott's Graduation from PA School

SCOTT with Mom and Dad
The happy family with Lori's Dad

Scott with Lorenza and Dale Angle
We were excited to go down and be a part of this, another, great accomplishment in Scott's life. As Scott and Lori had her family with them, we spent Friday night with our dear friends, Dale and Lorenza. Scott stayed with them in their home for a good number of weeks, while he was doing his emergency room rotations on their side of town, an hour or more (depending upon the traffic on the freeway) from his home.
Harley and I stayed an extra 3 to 4 days with Scott and the boys while Lori took some time for herself, visiting family in Salt Lake, before the baby came. We had a great visit with the boys and I was even able to help Scott study for his PA Board test (repaying him for the time, he helped me study to learn the medical language, as a transcriptionist) He will be a great PA, as is his brother, Patrick.

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